Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Wausau - Share time, talents, treasure and celebrate philanthropy

Wausau - Share time, talents, treasure and celebrate philanthropy: "Share time, talents, treasure and celebrate philanthropy

Every culture depends on philanthropy and nonprofit organizations to provide essential elements to the civic health of our communities, promoting goodwill and human well-being. In recognition of this rich tradition of philanthropy and the importance of charitable giving in our communities, November is 'Celebrating Philanthropy Month.'
Philanthropy Month was established by the Association of Fundraising Professionals in 1986. The month is designed to honor those who exemplify the spirit of philanthropy, a word with Greek roots meaning 'love of mankind.' Often the term philanthropy is used in conjunction with giving time, sharing talents or giving of one's treasure. These three forms of philanthropy add value to our communities and make us better people in the process.
Philanthropic groups existed in the ancient civilizations of the Middle East, Greece and Rome. An endowment supported Plato's Academy (387 B.C.) for about 900 years. Medieval merchants of Europe founded organizations for worthy causes and in the 19th century, personal fortunes led to the creation of private foundations, such as the Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Corp. These foundations bequeathed gifts in support of the arts, education, medical research, public policy, social services, environmental causes and other special interests - similar to the foundations of today."

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